It’s time once again for another blog post from yours truly at Burton Living..
Where there’s smoke, there’s bound to be fire and in this weeks blog post, our focus will be on some new and exciting products, which we will be introducing to our showroom (which is based on the Essex and Cambridgeshire boarder) and onto our online store, very, very soon.

If like us, you believe that no matter the season or the weather outside, you should be able to enjoy your outside living space, then this is the post you have been waiting for.
Our focus this week is on a true statement piece unlike any other on the UK market and all four are uniquely named: The Piquia, The Quaruba, The Bijuga and The Quercus.
Now, these delightful little outdoor fire places are completely unique in design and aesthetic, and are made from CorTen steel and all hail from the land of Cheese and Tulips (Not mixed together, might I add..): Holland.
Now before we get stuck in, I’m sure many of you are calling out and asking “What is CorTen steel?”
Well, sit back and let me explain and then we can move onto the reason we’re really here.
CorTen steel gets its name from the US where it was developed with the aim of creating a steel that would be able to withstand all sorts of weathers but remain strong and sturdy as the day it was created and unlike other steels, the formation of rust does not cause panic nor is it a sign of wear and tear, it’s a sign of strength (”What? “ I hear you cry once more… “You must be nuts ”. I’m afraid not, dear reader but let’s continue.. )
CorTen steel rusts, forming an oxenised, browny orange skin, that protects the deeper steel material beneath from oxygen in the atmosphere which would usually continue to eat away at the steel structure.
Now let’s begin and start with The Piquia.
The Piquia is really something quite special and unlike many other wood burning stoves, the Piquia is made by hand using 3 mm CorTen steel, which means this little unit is weather resistant for all seasons and is designed in such a way, that it has its own, solid, industrial look but don't let that put you off.

To get the best when it comes to the look of your Piquia (as with all outdoor fire places on this list), it is recommended to leave the stove outside and to allow nature to do its thing and allow the rusting process to take place with the help of outside elements.
With a galvanised handle for ease of operation, four high quality legs to stand on and a ceramic glass door, you’ll be free to enjoy the pleasantries and aesthetic of burning flames without the fear of naked flames becoming uncontrollable as well as having a face full of unnecessary smoke and other unwanted gasses.

Due to the nature of clean combustion, where the fire is being contained and held beyond a ceramic glass window, the stove is able to achieve higher and hotter temperatures unlike conventional outdoor stoves with open fires and fire pits, which means you’ll have no excuse for hiding inside when the temperatures drop outside.
When it comes to cleaning out your stove, you need not fret as it comes with built in ash pan, situated at the rear.
Simple really is effective, when it comes to the Piquia.
Next we move onto The Quaruba.
Now this nifty, outdoor fireplace is great in the simple fact, that such can be freely moved and with very little effort.
Coming in at three different sizes (The L, The XL and the XXL) and with the model L standing at 85cm tall (without exhaust flue/pipe), you‘ll find that small is indeed mighty.

The Quaruba is unique and modular in design, which we feel matches our style at Burton Living perfectly and the construction is so simple, you’ll be able to put it together yourself.
The frame is made from the same 3mm CorTen steel as its predecessor and once again, stands on four sturdy legs but this time, at the bottom of each leg is a stainless steel bolt, which can either be wound in or out, to allow for the fireplace to sit on even the most unstable of terrains.
With its handle concealed between the door panel and right facing leg, the ease of operation remains and this time, instead of only having one glass, ceramic window, you can choose a three or four glass windowed variant which will give you a perfect all round viewing stance as the flames continue to burn within.

But if that’s not for you, well you need not despair as the options continue as instead of choosing four glass panels, you can swap one out for a concrete back wall instead which is made from the same stones which line the bottom of your stove, which in turn, gives you the advantage of better insulation and thus, better combustion which in turn, creates a better fire, which creates a far greater heat expanse.
With space for log storage at the bottom, you’ll have no excuse to step away from your new purchase and leave the heat behind.
However, it is strongly recommended that you use a heat shield if you intend to place the stove within 15cm of a combustible wall and that the Quaruba is lit using dry, untreated wood with a maximum of 20% moisture and no paper is to be used during the initial lightning phase.
Next on our list is something a little more impressive (As if that’s even possible..) and that’s the beautifully designed Bijuga, now this fireplace has been meticulously designed by the Netherlands based, graphic designer René Knip (who owns his own graphic design company, which he set up in 1995 and was aptly named Atelier René Knip).

Once again, built with 3mm CorTen steel, the fireplace has a stylish finish for real patio and outside living enthusiasts, characterised by clean lines, balanced proportions and beautiful details such as joining seems of the metal purposely folded outwards.
The nuts and bolts have been left visible, to convey a strong, individual character and elegantly finished with Merbau Hardwood knobs and pushrod (Which make for ease of operation due to the fact the knobs and pushrod don’t absorb great amounts of heat and thus allows you to operate without the fear or worry of burning yourself.)

Another perk of the Bijuga fireplace is the added push bar and wheels, which have been added for ease of movement and to assist with the changing of position, when it comes to that of the fireplace, so there’s no excuses for getting cold as the unit is completely portable with limited restriction.

And lastly we move onto the Quercus.
Now the Quercus (Which translates from Latin into English, as Oak for those of you who are curious)
Now this unit is a lot more robust yet continues to retain a sense of contemporary style like it’s predecessor but unlike the fireplaces before, which are strictly fireplaces, this unit has an oven built in as well as a top plate which is perfect for boiling a kettle or perhaps frying an egg (we still suggest using the appropriate dishes, after all, who wants an orange, rust tasting egg?)
The Quercus is solid and sturdy, with it’s visible parts made from strong 6mm CorTen steel.
The back is fitted with a firm, steel plate which heat resistant, concrete wall bricks sit against and within the oven, there lies a built in pizza stone, so you’ll be able to enjoy culinarily delights such as wood fired pizza, lasagna or pot roasts, all whilst enjoying an open fire and staying warm on those autumn and winter nights.

The legs have been fitted with adjustable stainless steel bolts, so your fireplace can be placed on the most unsteady of surfaces without leaving those frustrating rust marks on your patio and with an added stub on the top of the fireplace, which has been meticulously welded in place, will ensure that no rainwater will enter the stove and put a dampen on your outdoor living experience.
Don’t let that cool you off, as the oven has an in built, external thermometer, so you’ll need not worry over whether your food is cooking at the optimum temperature or not.

You’ll be in complete control with the whole experience.
When it comes to the great outside living experience, we definitely know a thing or two at Burton Living, whether that be pizza ovens, smokers, outdoor fireplaces, and even outdoor kitchens.
You dream it, we make it possible.